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This component allows you to build a compact menu. This can be useful to make a mobile one.

This component is inspired by the Foundation component.

@import 'compotes/css/drilldown';
import { Drilldown } from 'compotes'

const drilldown = new Collapse('#my-drilldown')

You need to structure the component like below imbricating ul and li. If you want to go to the next menu, you will need to add a next button with c-drilldown-next class just before the c-drilldown-menu. To go back, you will need to add an entry to your ul menu containing a back button with c-drilldown-back.


You should respect the structure and elements tags used in this component. It will ensure the component to work properly with accessibility.

<nav class="c-drilldown" aria-label="Mobile menu">
  <ul class="c-drilldown-menu">
      <button class="c-drilldown-next">
        Go to section 1
      <ul class="c-drilldown-menu" id="section-1">
          <button class="c-drilldown-back">
            Go Back
          <button class="c-drilldown-next">
            Go to section 1 1
          <ul class="c-drilldown-menu" id="section-1-1">
              <button class="c-drilldown-back">
                Go Back
              Item Section 1 1
              Item Section 1 1
          Item Section 1


This component inject a lot of aria attribute to ensure a good accessibility coverage:

  • Add role menubar on first menu
  • Set aria-multiselectable to false
  • Set aria-orientation to vertical
  • Add role menu to all child menu
  • Disable list item role for li with none role
  • Add role menuitem to back and next button
  • Add aria-expanded, aria-controls to next button
  • Add a basic id if is not set to the menu


You should add an id attribute to every menu inside your main menu (like the example above). By default, the plugin will generate an id attribute if it doesn't find one but to prevent id naming issue, I recommend to put one.

The drilldown menu comes with keyboard shortcut if your focus is inside the component :

  • ArrowUp: Focus to previous element
  • ArrowDown: Focus to the next element
  • ArrowLeft/Escape: Go back
  • ArrowRight: Go to the next menu if your focus is on the next button
  • Home/PageUp: Focus first of the current menu
  • End/PageDown: Focus last element of the current menu
  • And do a focus with first element found with the char you have pressed


You can change some options from the component.

import { Drilldown } from 'compotes'

const drilldown = new Collapse('#my-drilldown', {
  init: true, 
  initAccessibilityAttrs: true,
  initEvents: true,
  dynamicHeight: false,
  mutationObserver: true,
  • init (boolean): Init the component on creation
  • initAccessibilityAttrs (boolean): Init accessibility attributes on the component
  • initEvents (boolean): Init events on the component
  • dynamicHeight (boolean): By default, the height of the drilldown is the tallest menu found. You can set this option to true to update the height to the current menu.
  • mutationObserver (boolean): Use MutationObserver to update component on changes


The collapse component provides several methods allowing you to control the component programatically.

import { Drilldown } from 'compotes'

const drilldown = new Collapse('#my-drilldown')
  • init(): Init the component
  • initAccessibilityAttrs(): Init accessibility attributes
  • initEvents(): Init component events
  • initAccessibilityEvents(): Init component accessibility events
  • update(): Update drilldown trigger status
  • reset(): Reset the drilldown to the root menu
  • back(): Back to the previous menu
  • destroyEvents(): Destroy the component events
  • destroy(): Destroy the component


You can access data from the component like this:

import { Drilldown } from 'compotes'

const drilldown = new Collapse('#my-drilldown')
  • options (options object): Get options used to init the component


You can listen to emitted events directly on the drilldown element like this:

drilldownElement.addEventListener('c.drilldown.init', (e) => {
  console.log(e.detail)// drilldown object
  • c.drilldown.init: On component init
  • c.drilldown.update: On component update
  • On next
  • c.drilldown.back: On back
  • c.drilldown.reset: On reset
  • c.drilldown.destroy: On component destroy

Released under the MIT License.