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The dropdown component allows to create a popup menu with links or whatever you want, open by a button.

@import 'compotes/css/dropdown';
import { Dropdown } from 'compotes'

const dropdown = new Drag('.c-dropdown')

You can use any kind of element to trigger the dropdown, just add the c-dropdown-trigger class.

It is recommended to put an id to the dropdown container. On your trigger element, add an aria-controls attribute refering to the id of the dropdown.

<!-- Default dropdown -->
<div class="c-dropdown">
  <button class="c-dropdown-trigger" aria-controls="my-dropdown">Basic Dropdown</button>
  <div class="c-dropdown-container" id="my-dropdown">
    Hello World

If you are using a ul as a dropdown, it will use, by default, the menu mode adding accessibility features. You can change this by enforce the type of dropdown you want.

<!-- Menu dropdown -->
<nav class="c-dropdown" aria-label="My superb dropdown menu">
  <a class="c-dropdown-trigger" aria-controls="my-dropdown">Item 1 - Dropdown Menu</a>
  <ul class="c-dropdown-container" id="my-dropdown">
    <li><a href="#">Item 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Item 3</a></li>


To ensure accessibility feature, the component will inject aria-expanded to the trigger element. This allow the user to know if the collapse is expanded or not. The user also knows what element it refer thanks to the aria-controls attribute.

If you are using the menu type, it will inject role attributes on the <ul>, <li> and <a> elements.


You can change some options from the component.

import { Dropdown } from 'compotes'

const drag = new Drag('.c-drag', {
  init: true, 
  initEvents: true,
  enforceType: undefined,
  openOn: 'click',
  equalizeWidth: undefined,
  mutationObserver: true,
  • init (boolean): Init the component on creation
  • initEvents (boolean): Init events on the component
  • enforceType ('default' or 'menu'): The type of the dropdown
  • openOn ('click' or 'hover'): Open the dropdown on click/hover from the trigger element
  • equalizeWidth (boolean): Equalize width on the trigger and the container. It will refresh on mutation observer (if enable)
  • mutationObserver (boolean): Use MutationObserver to update component on changes


The dropdown component provides several methods to init and destroy the component and also open/toggle/close event.

import { Dropdown } from 'compotes'

const dropdown = new Drag('.c-dropdown', {
  init: false
  • init(): Init the component
  • initAccessibilityAttrs(): Init accessibility attributes
  • initEvents(): Init component events
  • initAccessibilityEvents(): Init component accessibility events
  • destroyEvents(): Destroy the component events
  • destroy(): Destroy the component
  • open(): Open the dropdown
  • toggle(): Toggle the dropdown
  • close(): Close the dropdown
  • equalizeWidth(): Equalize the width of the container and the trigger of the dropdown


You can access data from the component like this:

import { Dropdown } from 'compotes'

const dropdown = new Drag('.c-dropdown')
  • options (options object): Get options used to init the component
  • isOpen (boolean): Tell if the dropdown is open or not
  • type ('default' or 'menu'): Tell the current type of dropdown


You can listen to emitted events directly on the dropdown element like this:

import { Dropdown } from 'compotes'

const dropdownEl = document.querySelector('.c-dropdown')
const dropdown = new Drag(dropdownEl)

dropdownEl.addEventListener('c.dropdown.init', (e) => { 
  console.log(e.detail)// drag object
  • c.dropdown.init: On component init
  • c.dropdown.destroy: On component destroy
  • c.dropdown.opened: On dropdown open
  • c.dropdown.closed: On dropdown close

Released under the MIT License.